Оf mortgage commitment: formation and development

: 380 - 386

E. Dmytrenko, V. Dmytrenko «Of mortgage commitment: formation and development» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-861-13...

SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman”
Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship Academician FG Burchak NAPrN Ukraine

The article deals with the formation and development of institute of execution of mortgage obligations. Legal regulation of this institution was analyzed in different periods of civil law. Special attention was paid to the birth of the mortgage and execution of obligation from times of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The features of this institution in the Middle Ages and in modern times were defined. Separately, we studied the peculiarities of mortgage execution obligation under the law in force in Ukrainian lands during historical times. Also we’ve described the current state of regulation of mortgage obligations in civil legislation of Ukraine.

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