In order to properly regulate social relations, including in the field of intellectual
property, which are rapidly developing, regulatory and legal acts are subject to constant
updating and improvement. In this regard, on March 23, 2017 the Supreme Council of
Ukraine adopted the Law on State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine, which, inter alia,
amended Article 176 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, concerning liability for infringement of
copyright and allied rights. In particular, Article 176 was supplemented with new for
Ukrainian legislation terms, such as «cardsharing», «camcording» and «financing of actions
that constitute a violation of copyright and allied rights».
Before the legislation did not contain definitions of the concepts of «cardsharing» or
«camcording», the scientists only offered their doctrinal definitions. It is difficult to predict the
impact of the amendments made on the criminal protection of copyright and allied rights.
Therefore, it is necessary to properly investigate and identify possible gaps and inaccuracies in
legislation to be able to correct them in time.
The main purpose of this article is to study the changes in the legal protection of
copyright and related rights, as well as to analyze previously unknown to the legislation of
Ukraine concepts.
Most citizens do not understand how "cardsharing" and "camcording" affect holders of
intellectual property rights as well as the economy of Ukraine as a whole. Moreover, the
general public does not know what the terms itself mean. It is not enough simply to prohibit
«cardsharing» and «camcording», such prohibitions will not be effective without the
recognition by each person of what «cardsharing» and «camcording» are, why they are
banned, as well as the liability for committing them. General awareness can be spread with the
help of social advertising, trailers before the beginning of films, announcements in cinemas and
other public places.
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