The article focuses the by-laws that regulated construction works in USSR (industrial
and residential infrastructure, social security and training for construction workers etc) at the
beginning of the first Five-year plan.
1. Instruktsiya NKT SSSR i NKPS ot 2 aprelya 1931 g. No. NKT-85 o poryadke provedeniyameropriyatiy po ozdorovleniyu usloviy truda na zheleznodorozhnom transporte [Instruction of thePeople's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of Railways of the USSR ofApril 2, 1931 No. NKT-85 on the procedure for measures for improving working conditions in railwaytransport]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 16-17. pp. 303-311. 2. Izvlechenie izpostanovleniya SNK SSSR ot 27 aprelya 1931 g. o finansirovanii sotsialno-kulturnogo stroitelstva na1931 g. (215.6, 264, 283) [Extract from the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR ofApril 27, 1931 on the financing of social and cultural construction for 1931 (215.6, 264, 283)]. IzvestiyaNarodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 16-17. pp. 326-327. 3. Utverzhdennyie NKT SSSR 3iyulya 1931 g. za No. 171 Normyi spetsodezhdyi, predohranitelnyih prisposobleniy i prozodezhdyi dlyarabotnikov, zanyatyih na stroitelnyih rabotah i v promyishlennosti stroitelnyih materialov [Approved bythe People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR on July 3, 1931, No. 171 Norms of special clothing,safety devices and overalls for workers employed in construction work and in the building materials].Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 20. pp. 375-383. 4. Obyazatelnoe postanovlenieNKT SSSR ot 8 iyulya 1931 g. No. 181. Pravila bezopasnosti pri rabotah po postroyke, razborke,remontu i osmotru mostov (265) [Compulsory resolution of the People's Commissariat of Labor of theUSSR of July 8, 1931 No. 181. Safety regulations for work on construction, disassembly, repair andinspection of bridges (265)]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 23-24. pp. 460-466. 5. Postanovlenie SNK SSSR ot 25 maya 1931 g. o sohranenii za inzhenerno-tehnicheskimi iadministrativno-hozyaystvennyimi rabotnikami, privlekaemyimi dlya rabotyi na udarnyih stroitelstvah,prava na zhiluyu ploschad v prezhnem meste zhitelstva (222.6 [Decree of the Council of People'sCommissars of the USSR of May 25, 1931 on retaining the rights to living space in the former place ofresidence for engineers, technical and administrative workers involved in work on shock constructionprojects (222.6)]). Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 25. рp. 487. 6. PostanovlenieTsIK i SNK SSSR ot 1 avgusta 1931 g. ob uluchshenii byitovyih usloviy inzhenerno-tehnicheskihrabotnikov (202) [Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars ofthe USSR of August 1, 1931 on improving the living conditions of engineering and technical workers(202)]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 26-27. pp. 520-521. 7. Lenin V. I. Izpisma A. M. Gorkomu ot 15 sentyabrya 1919 g. [Lenin V. From a letter to A. Gorky of September 15,1919] // Polnoe sobr. soch. Izdanie pyatoe. M., Izd-vo politicheskoy literaturyi, 1978. T. 51, p. 48-49).8. Izvlechenie iz Prikaza po VSNH SSSR ot 30 maya 1931 g. No. 325 ob organizatsii vyipolneniyastroitelstva gosudarstvennyih proizvodstvennyih predpriyatiy [Extract from the Order on the SupremeSoviet of the National Economy of the USSR of May 30, 1931 No. 325 on the fulfilment of organization ofthe construction of state production enterprises]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931.No. 25. рp. 490. 9. Obyazatelnoe postanovlenie NKT SSSR ot 16 sentyabrya 1931 g. No. 247. Pravilaustroystva, oborudovaniya i soderzhaniya vremennyih zhilyih, vspomogatelnyih i rabochih pomescheniyi skladov na stroitelnyih rabotah transporta [Obligatory resolution of the People's Commissariat of Laborof the USSR of September 16, 1931 No. 247. Rules for the design, equipment and maintenance oftemporary residential, auxiliary and working premises and warehouses for construction work of vehicles].Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 26-27. рp. 531-536. 10. Izvlechenie izpostanovleniya VTsIK i SNK RSFSR ot 10 avgusta 1931 g. o dorozhnom stroitelstve i trudovom uchastiiv nem naseleniya [Extract from the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and theCouncil of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) of August10, 1931 on road construction and the labor participation of the public in it]. Izvestiya Narodnogokomissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 26-27. pp. 541-542. 11. Postanovlenie NKT SSSR ot 21 oktyabrya1931 g. No. 260 ob okazanii hozorganami materialno-tehnicheskoy pomoschi kolhozam na sodeystvieverbovke rabochih [Decree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR of October 21, 1931No. 260 on the provision of material and technical assistance by economic bodies to collective farms tofacilitate the recruitment of workers]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 29. рp.574. 12. Tsirkulyar NKF SSSR ot 31 iyulya - sentyabrya 1931 g. No. 305 o lgotah po s.-h. naloguothodnikam i edinolichnikam (bednyatskie i serednyatskie hozyaystva), zakontraktirovannyim na rabotuv gosudarstvennoy promyishlennosti, na transporte, v sovhozah i na stroitelstve [The circular of thePeople's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR of July 31 - September 1931 No. 305 on benefits foragricultural tax for seasonal workers and individual farmers (poor and middle farms) contracted to work instate industry, transport, state farms and construction]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR.1931. No. 29. рp. 574-575. 13. Postanovlenie NKT SSSR, VSNH SSSR i VTsSPS ot 3 sentyabrya 1931g. No. NKT-269 ob oplate kvalifitsirovannyih rabochih, komandiruemyih na period montazhnyih rabotna novostroyki [Resolution of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR, Supreme Soviet of theNational Economy of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 3, 1931No. NKT-269 on the payment of skilled workers sent for installation work on new buildings]. IzvestiyaNarodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931. No. 30. рp. 582. 14. Prikaz VSNH SSSR 28 sentyabrya 1931g. No. 654 o vvedenii na stroitelstve individualno-sdelnoy oplatyi rabot i oplatyi truda [Order of theSupreme Soviet of the National Economy of the USSR on September 28, 1931 No. 654 on the introductionof individual piece-rate wages and wages for construction]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR.1931. No. 34. pp. 658-660. 15. Izvlechenie iz postanovleniya Gosplana SSSR 25 avgusta 1931 g. No. 37 poryadke planovoy zagruzki gosudarstvennyih stroitelnyih organizatsiy [Extract from the resolution ofthe USSR State Planning Committee on August 25, 1931 No. 37 on the procedure of planned loading ofstate building organizations]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1932. No. 1. pр. 7.16. Raz'yasnenie NKT SSSR 5 noyabrya 1931 g. No. 293 o primenenii postanovleniya NKT SSSR 24aprelya 1931 g. No. 192 ob edinoy sisteme premirovaniya stroitelnyih rabochih [Clarification of thePeople's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR on November 5, 1931 No. 293 on the application of theDecree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR on April 24, 1931 No. 192 on a unified rewardsystem for construction workers]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1932. No. 1. pр. 7-8.17. Postanovlenie SNK SSSR 18 oktyabrya 1931 g. o doskah pocheta na novyih predpriyatiyah inovostroykah [Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on October 18, 1931 on boardsof honor at new enterprises and new buildings]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1931.No. 35-36. pр. 677-678. 18. Postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR 7 aprelya 1932 g. ob izmenenii stavokpodohodnogo naloga i sbora na kulturnoe stroitelstvo v gorodah s rabochih i sluzhaschih [Decree of theCentral Executive Committee (CEC) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on April 7,1932 on changing the rates of income tax and fee for cultural construction in cities from workers andemployees]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1932. No. 19. pр. 243. 19. Postanovlenie NKTSSSR 10 sentyabrya 1932 g. No. 164 ob izmenenii Pravil vnutrennego rasporyadka i drugihpostanovleniy NKT SSSR dlya soglasovaniya ih s pozdneyshimi postanovleniyami pravitelstva SSSR[Decree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR on September 10, 1932 No. 164 on amendingthe internal rules and other decrees of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR to coordinate themwith the later resolutions of the USSR government]. Izvestiya Narodnogo komissariata truda SSSR. 1932.No. 30. pр. 374-376.