It has been found that the state of social anomie can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. The crisistransition period of society’s development presupposes the decline of values, including legal ones, despite the fact that new ideals, norms (legal) have not yet been formed and do not regulate the life of society. It is emphasized that in order for a person to be ready for non-standard, crisis situations in society, the state needs the relevant competent authorities to engage in preventive care. The activity of crisis centers to provide legal and psychological assistance to a person not only under conditions of total social anomie, but also in specific personal issues is expedient and justified. Also important is the work of legal clinics that provide counseling to a person. It is proved that preventive (preventive) care is provided in case of a possible problematic life situation, when the latter is likely to occur in the future and when it is necessary to prevent (prevent) the most problematic life situation or mitigate its predicted negative consequences. Preventive care is divided into primary and secondary. It is noted that psychological assistance to a person in conditions of social anomie should be provided on the basis of certain principles, because the social crisis covers all spheres of human life and it is not always possible and worthwhile to use tools and techniques used in a single personal crisis. As for the principles of psychological assistance, it is important to respect their dignity and protect their safety by taking on the role of helping people experiencing a tragic event. All workers and
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