The article draws attention to the fact that the onset of the era of alternative energy use is not the near future, but a necessity. If in the past the damage done to nature every minute was minimal due to the relatively low use of traditional energy sources, today the situation is critical. According to various estimates of scientists of the advanced countries of our planet, the reserves of traditional sources of alternative energy will be depleted in 25–70 years. That is why the development of alternative energy is the main task of every advanced country. In the twentieth century. there was a peak load of unreasonable and inappropriate use of natural reserves of oil, coal, peat, which as a result gave rise to the most global problem faced by mankind – the total pollution of the planet. Depletion of natural and habitual deposits, destruction of entire ecosystems of the ocean and land, destruction of fauna and flora: all this is done for the sole purpose of preserving the privileges of using electricity. It is determined that “alternative energy” is one of the energy sectors that provides electricity, heat and mechanical energy, and its production is through the use and implementation of alternative (renewable) sources and the latest developments in this area.
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