The article reveals the theoretical and legal discourse of adaptation of Ukrainian social legislation to the legislation of the European Union. The essence of the adaptation of Ukrainian social legislation to the legislation of the European Union is as follows: first, Ukraine, as an independent sovereign state, has undertaken to take all necessary measures to gradually bring Ukrainian legislation into line with European Community law; secondly, Ukraine, according to the Constitution, is a welfare state, however, it has not yet become such in practical terms, so Ukrainian social legislation needs to be systematically improved; thirdly, the law of the European Union – the “acquis communautaire” is mandatory for all Member States, so bringing national legislation in line with its provisions is one of the main requirements for potential members of the European Union; fourth, Ukraine regularly improves social legislation, in particular under the influence of European principles and standards; fifthly, in addition to certain provisions, the adaptation of Ukrainian social legislation to the legislation of the European Union, first of all, provides for its strict observance. Thus, the set of these provisions is the essence of the adaptation of Ukrainian social legislation to the legislation of the European Union. Ukraine’s neglect of any of them actually makes it impossible for the state to develop its European integration course. In the process of researching this issue, we found that the adaptation of Ukrainian social legislation to the legislation of the European Union is a long and multi-stage process. The need for its urgent implementation is due to the imperfection of the current Ukrainian legislation, as well as Ukraine’s commitments. At the same time, ignoring adaptation will have quite negative consequences, as without this process Ukraine’s accession to the European Union is impossible.
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