Psychological and legal features of a person's life activity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Romanova A. "Psychological and legal features of a person's life activity during the COVID-19 pandemic"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

It has been found that in a coronavirus pandemic, people need to respect the principles of respect for safety, dignity and human rights. In making a commitment to help people in situations where they have been affected by a stressful event, it is important to act with respect for the safety, dignity and rights of the people we help. Today, within the anthropological interpretation of the problems of social and legal reality, a fundamentally new approach to the legal regulation of a person’s life in a coronavirus pandemic is being formed. It is proved that in the conditions of a coronavirus pandemic the problem of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms are extremely important. Even in the most developed and democratic countries, there is a need for a certain restriction of human rights in order to preserve the life and health of this person and humanity in general. Another successful approach to solving the problem was to take a number of decisions to limit the operation of checkpoints and to introduce new approaches and sanctions to prosecute individuals for violating quarantine measures. It is emphasized that Ukraine fully supports the WHO in its efforts to ensure proper testing and approval of vaccines, and advocates a balanced distribution of vaccines in a spirit of global solidarity. I am convinced that the Cooperation Agreement between Ukraine and WHO lays a solid foundation and contains a clear roadmap for our enhanced cooperation. It is justified that care can be provided at the beginning, during a pandemic of coronavirus infection and after self-isolation. Psychological rehabilitation is a kind of psychological assistance in the part in which it is aimed at restoring lost (disturbed) psychological capabilities and health. During the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine, chatbots for hospitalization coordination and an open dashboard of vacancies, electronic referrals for PCR testing and other services to combat the spread of coronavirus were launched. It is these measures that have given people confidence that their rights and freedoms are not being violated, that the state is doing everything possible to make its citizens feel safe, and that the situation in the country is under the control of the Government and the authorities.

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