The article traces the genesis and evolution of domestic social legislation and identifies the features of each of its stages. Analysis of the preconditions for the emergence of social legislation in Ukraine, allows us to identify the following stages of its historical development: the first stage – the era of Kievan Rus (X–XII centuries), the second period – the era of Ukrainian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Russian Empire, the Commonwealth, Austria–Hungary and other states (XVI – first half of XX century), the third period – the era of Ukraine’s membership in the USSR (1917–1991). The period of stay of Ukrainian lands in the USSR should be divided into two stages: before and after the Second World War. As it significantly changed the state priorities for the development of social legislation, however, the basic principles remained valid: minimizing personal responsibility for selfsufficiency, strict centralization, the end of this period was marked by the formation of unified social legislation and the creation of a comprehensive state social security system. A study of the genesis of domestic social legislation showed that the development of social legislation in Ukraine was quite uneven. At the initial stage of its formation, social legislation (particularly in Kievan Rus) was characterized by its progressiveness, but the further historical development of our state significantly slowed down the development of the social sphere, and today one of the defining tasks of the national legislator is to adapt Ukrainian social legislation to European Union legislation
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