Scientific approaches to understanding medical law as a separate new field

Bilyk P. "Scientific approaches to understanding medical law as a separate new field"

Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychologyand Innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

The article analyzes the scientific views on the sectoral independence of medical law and concludes the author’s statements. We believe that legal relations, which are part of the subject of medical law, it is advisable to separate into two groups. The first group is represented by the relationships that arise in the implementation of medical activities in the process of providing medical care. That is, the relationship between doctor and patient in the implementation of the first diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures. In our opinion, they are the basis of relations in the field of medicine. The second group of relations includes relations related to the provision of medical care, in particular, in the field of internal organization of medical services, compulsory health insurance, control and supervision in the field of health care, licensing and accreditation of medical organizations, etc. We propose to call such relations organizational and legal in the field of medicine, as they are the basis for the emergence of relations in the implementation of medical activities for the provision of medical care and ensure its quality. It is proved that medical law is an independent complex branch of law, formed on the border of the relevant branches of law (which, in our opinion, are civil, administrative law, social security law), the subject of which are public relations that arise in the implementation of medical provision of medical care and organizational and legal relations in the field of medicine. Their legal regulation is based on a combined (imperative-dispositive method). Thus, the awareness of the independent sectoral affiliation of medical law will contribute to its further development, improvement of legal regulation of certain sectoral institutions, the introduction of new mechanisms to protect and defend the rights and interests of entities in the field of health care

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