The article examines the synergetic motivation of the methodological foundations of professional needs, which reflect a kind of sense of need for something, lack of current, or future needs, or requests just in case or different demands, needs and more. We will focus on professional needs or needs that are necessary in the performance of professional tasks, in particular in science in the future. To feel what you can’t do without in science, you need to “read” your methodology, which is “recorded” in the subconscious area, in the soul. These recordings are made actively or passively, but necessarily synergistically. Only synergetic motivation can reliably substantiate the existence of professional needs and develop them also synergistically in scientific schools. That is, the sequence of development of creative professional needs is as follows: school of preschool age, school of school age, school of student age, school of postgraduate and doctoral age. However, the term “school” does not necessarily mean official premises, approved curriculum, state control, etc. These can be schools similar to the natural philosophical ones that existed in ancient Greece, various frequent consultations, conferences, etc., where the demands of creative impulses develop, these impulses are directed in a certain direction, where needs arise. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that everyone lives in need, necessity. Their implementation requires a real opportunity that provides a natural ontological process. The natural process provides a curious child with a family that actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously creates certain conditions to meet the needs of the child, which can be ontological and non-ontological, spiritual and material. We are interested in the spiritual ontological needs that arise from human nature, his will in the form of phenomena, by which we mean the supernatural properties of man, his abilities, which provide the acquisition of spiritual and physical needs of life.
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