The article presents a philosophical and legal analysis of environmental knowledge as a defining component of environmental culture. Understanding the importance of environmental knowledge is due to the presence of an environmental crisis and the associated lack of environmental awareness. Addressing the environmental crisis requires not only significant legal, political, economic and social efforts or initiatives, but also a radical change in the existing environmental consciousness of society, which is formed on the system of environmental knowledge. Based on the principle of ecovitalism (absolute value of life) we can formulate a definition of ecological knowledge - is knowledge about the state of the environment in relation to human activity, society, understanding of natural phenomena in their causal relations with production, careful and responsible attitude to nature on the basis of objective laws that define nature as the absolute value of human life, and on the basis of legal norms that regulate human behavior and activities in the natural environment. The purpose and content of environmental knowledge is the formation of life and value orientations of the individual, which involves a high environmental culture and personal responsibility. Such environmental knowledge should be one of the main principles of the formation of civil society and the development of the rule of law, and hence its relevance in the philosophical and legal dimension is relevant.
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