Features of the violation of the right to freedom of religion in the conditions of war

: 106-112

Chornopyska V. Features of the violation of the right to freedom of religion in the conditions of war

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes the modern limitation of the right to freedom of worldview and religion in the conditions of war. It was noted that the right to freedom of religion is always considered in two aspects - as the internal and external freedom of a person. Only the external side of freedom of religion is subject to restriction, however, in order to find out the reasons for restricting such a right, it is worth referring to the provisions of international treaties. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the religious factor based on the principle of political theology makes it possible to use the Church factor in the process of building a nation-state in Ukraine, which is of fundamental importance for the formation of a strong, democratic and legal state that is able to protect national interests and confront threats to national security. In addition, this approach makes it possible to consider Orthodoxy as a part of Christian civilization, where there is a place for Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. This non-conflictual, multi-confessional approach creates a platform for cooperation within the Western structures (EU, NATO) of states dominated by various Christian denominations.

It is concluded that the problem of ensuring freedom of religion in the conditions of war is especially relevant, since the religious factor actually turns into a powerful weapon aimed at destroying the spiritual and value foundations of Ukrainian society. Discrimination in the sphere of freedom of religion directly affects the development of religious organizations and the daily life of their followers.

1. «Imperskyi povorot» patriarkha Kyryla ta yoho propovidi pro Ukrainu rozkoliuiut RPTs. [Patriarch Kirill's «imperial turn»and his sermons about Ukraine are splitting the Russian Orthodox Church.]. URL: https://tva.ua/2022/04/06/imperskyj-povorot-patriarkha-kyryla-ta-joho-pr... (Accessed:04.05.2022 r.). [in Ukrainian].

2. UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), CCPR General Comment No. 22: Article 18 (Freedom of Thought, Conscience or Religion), 30 July 1993, CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.4, available at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/453883fb22.html (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in English].

3. Relihiina svoboda v umovakh ahresii rf proty Ukrainy. Dosvid 2014‒2022 rokiv. [Report of the Center for Civil Liberties and the International Partnership for Human Rights within the framework of the «Civil Solidarity» platform: «Persecution for religious beliefs during the military conflict in eastern Ukraine»]. URL: https://irs.in.ua/files/publications/2015.04_Report_Religious_persecutio... \: / (Accessed:04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

4. Yevromaidan SOS ta Kruhloho stolu z relihiinoi svobody v Ukraini shchodo nastupu na svobodu relihii pid chas zbroinoi ahresii Rosii proty Ukrainy. Instytut relihiinoi svobody. [Euromaidan SOS and the Round Table on Religious Freedom in Ukraine regarding the attack on freedom of religion during Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine. Institute of Religious Freedom.]. URL: https://irs.in.ua/p/102 (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

5. Na Kyivshchyni rosiiski viiskovi vbyly sviashchennyka PTsU, yakyi buv u riasi. [In the Kyiv region, the Russian military killed a priest of the OCU, who was wearing a cassock.]. Tsenzor net. URL: https://m.censor.net/ua/news/3320579/na_kyyivschyni_rosiyiski_viyiskovi_vbyly_svyaschennyka_ptsu_yakyyi_buv_u_ryasi_yevstratiyi_zorya (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

6. Relihiini sviatyni Ukrainy, zruinovani ta znyshcheni rosiiskymy okupantamy. [Religious shrines of Ukraine, destroyed and destroyed by the Russian invaders. Official website of the National Institute of Strategic Studies.]. Ofitsiinyi sait Natsionalnoho instytutu stratehichnykh doslidzhen. URL: https://niss.gov.ua/news/komentari-ekspertiv/relihiyni-svyatyni-ukrayiny-zruynovani-ta-znyshcheni-rosiyskymy-okupantamy(Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

7. Za chas viiny okupanty zruinuvaly ponad pivsotni ukrainskykh khramiv. Ukrainska pravda. [During the war, the occupiers destroyed more than fifty Ukrainian churches. Ukrainian Pravda.]. URL: https://life.pravda.com.ua/culture/2022/03/25/247976/ (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

8. Haazka konventsiia pro zakhyst kulturnykh tsinnostei u vypadku zbroinoho konfliktu 1954 r. [The Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Values in the Event of Armed Conflict, 1954. Database «Legislation of Ukraine»]. Baza danykh «Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy» / VR Ukrainy. (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].

9. Z momentu vtorhnennia Rosii UPTs MP pokynuly ponad 400 parafii. [More than 400 parishes have left the UOC-MP since the Russian invasion.]. URL: https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-61549903 (Accessed: 04.05.2022 р.). [in Ukrainian].