Based on the positive results of the joint review with the publisher, the best articles on the conference materials may be published іn AST (Advances in Science and Technology) by Scientific.Net (Scopus, other Databases).
One author can co-author no more than two articles.
IMPORTANT! Special requirements from Publisher.
Articles submitted for publication may not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Publication ethics
Publication policy and ethics, as well as the Publication Malpractice Statement can be found at: Policy and Ethics guidelines, Publication Policy and Ethics, and Publication Malpractice Statement and Core Quality Publication Terms.
Papers submitted to the conference may not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Multiple submissions and redundant posting are prohibited. Authors are allowed to store preprints in arXiv and ChemRxiv, and in the case of publication of their article, authors must update the preprint by linking it to the DOI of the corresponding article. Each paper submitted to the conference is subject to mandatory review by at least two independent external reviewers in the field of scientific research.
A detailed review process and review policy can be found here .
Publisher's copyrighted articles are published online.
Each submitted article is checked for plagiarism through iThenticate , as well as for compliance with international standards and requirements. All allegations of research misconduct in published articles, including but not limited to plagiarism, authorship, citation manipulation, data falsification, etc., are the responsibility of Trans Tech Publications and the editors and are handled in accordance with COPE guidelines.
Paper template and requirements for papers by the LINK .
Please note that all illustrations will be available in full color in the eBook but may be black and white in the printed book.
Third-party content is defined as any material within the manuscript that is not your original work. Third-party content may consist of text passages, figures, photos, screenshots, etc. and be found in many places such as, but not limited to, the Internet, print and online books and articles, theses, annual reports, conference material, photocopies, course packages, and translations. In particular, you should pay close attention to sensitive images containing identifiable persons, logos, brands/trademarks, images from agencies, or from the Internet as well as interviews, social media content, and references to commercial entities.
Every author is responsible for clearing the rights for any third-party content. It is recommended to keep all quotations and inclusion of copyrighted material to a minimum wherever possible, as gaining permissions can be time-consuming and expensive for the author.
All accepted papers will also be published in the book dedicated to the conference only ( SBC - Scientific Books Collection).
Submission of publication.
Article for submission is in English and abstract with information about authors.
The volume of the article from 8 pages.
Authors submit fully formatted electronic versions of papers prepared in accordance with the following requirements, typed in WORD – files * .doc and files * .docx, (please, use the template).
The scientific publication should take into account the requirements of international scientometric databases (SciVerse Scopus, etc.) for scientific papers.