Graph mining techniques have received a lot of attention to discover important subgraphs based on certain criteria. These techniques have become increasingly important due to the growing number of applications that rely on graph-based data. Some examples are: (i) microarray data analysis in bioinformatics, (ii) transportation network analysis, (iii) social network analysis. In this study, we propose a graph decomposition algorithm using the non-dominance criterion to identify important subgraphs based on two characteristics: edge connectivity and diameter. The proposed method uses a multi-objective optimization approach to maximize the edge connectivity and minimize the diameter. In a similar vein, identifying communities within a network can improve our comprehension of the network's characteristics and properties. Therefore, the detection of community structures in networks has been extensively studied. As a result, in this paper an innovative community detection method is presented based on our approach. The performance of the proposed technique is examined on both real-life and synthetically generated data sets.
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