Development of the subsystem of the automated generation for the public transport alternative routes with changes

: pp. 49 – 54

Bondarchuk V, Tkachenko S.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer-Aided Design Department

In this paper made the survey modern subsystems of the generation for the public transport routes with changes. Own created subsystem is more functionality and most useful. Geographical coordinates of points on the map are the input information for own subsystem. This coordinates for user input. User should input two or more points on the map. If user will input two points – it will be the start and the end of way and if input more points – it will be way with intermediate points. Public transport routes are model for input data. Model saves in data base. Subsystem result of work shows on the map. If the route goes along the street it is highlighted.

1. Bondarchuk V., Tkachenko S. Subsystem of the Automated Generation for the Public Transport Alternative Routes with Changes // Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design. – Lviv: Publisher Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. – 252 p. – P 141.