The new doctrine of providing and most complete restoration of the legal status of sociosubjects

: 237 - 242

A. Kirichenko «The new doctrine of providing and most complete restoration of the legal status of sociocubjects»

Educational and Research Institute of History, Politics and Law Nicholas V. A.

The article suggests in a number of norms of the perspective Constitutional Code of Ukraine  to  reflect  the  main  provisions of the  new doctrine  of ensuring  and  of the  most complete of restoring of the legal status of sociosubjects. The composition of sociosubjects and the essence of each each of the basic categories of the legal status of sociosubjects is determined. The variants of realization of the competitive legal status of various sociosubjects are indicated. The essence of the basic constitutional duty of the state is defined. The editors of the first stage of the absolute and the second stage of the relative inadmissibility of the deterioration of the legal status of sociocultural entities and a number of other related provisions are proposed.

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