System social and environmental assessment of anthropogenic disturbances land

: pp. 112-116
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Purpose. The aim of the article is to assess the anthropogenically disturbed lands according to their ecological status and the total value of the result of its socio-economic efficiency use. Methodology. Anthropogenic land disturbance is a consequence of the implementation of specific socio-economic needs of society and, when exhausted, requires further reclamation aimed at eliminating the negative effects of environmental ecological, economic and other types of damages. The territory of the land disturbance basically can be characterized by the scale of direct infringement and two inter related indicators – its ecological status and received total value of socio-economic efficiency of use. The values of these parameters change during the “life cycle”  of disturbed land – from the beginning to the end of reclamation of the waste land. Therefore, the research methods involve the analysis of disturbed land at different stages of their “life cycle” with taking into consideration the uncertainty of the problem of choosing rational use of recultivated lands. Results. The main result of the analysis of the “life cycle” of disturbed lands is the conclusion that to fully restore disturbed land to its initial state before the violation is impossible due to the significant geological and hydrogeological changes. The period of disturbed land is determined by the violation of ecological condition of the territory that requires an appropriate environmental studies. Originality. The scientific novelty is the development of the “life cycle” diagram of disturbed land and its analysis. Practical significance. The practical significance is the conclusion that the rational use of land area of disturbed lands requires a positive balance of long-term use. Increasing of the disturbed land existence worsens the ecological state of the territory and the socio-economic efficiency of its use. The final and the initial state of the environmental and socio-economic efficiency of use of the territory can not be the same, and to be the best or the worst, depending on the desired reclamation of disturbed land, which is a separate scientific and practical task.

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