Analysis of modern methods surveying in the processing large-scale plans

: pp. 53-63
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Aim. Analysis modern methods surveying of processing large-scale plans. Method. Creating large-scale plans is an important task in mapping Ukraine because the existing topographic plans eventually need to be updated because it no longer meets the current state of the area. The scope of large-scale plans are diverse: the development of general plans of cities and rural areas, landscaping and engineering training areas of cities and towns, drafting drainage and irrigation of agricultural land cadastre settlements and so on. So important is carrying out works on updating and creating topographical plans that will be used for the purposes referred to above. In addition, poor quality cadastral information in databases, created over the years, leading to problems with surveying the neighboring areas. Therefore, the correction of these errors is also urgent task. In order to determine the best option to address these issues, the authors bring characteristics of geodetic methods and techniques of remote sensing to handle large-scale plans. The analysis must conclude that it is the shortcomings of traditional means of removal (receiving data using space satellites, manned aerial vehicles and total stations) were the preconditions for the application of UAVs in topographic purposes. Results. Based on the analysis methods of removal in order to create large-scale plans were marked advantages and disadvantages of each method. Consequently, it is concluded that in contrast to other methods of remote sensing and geodetic methods, the application of UAV becomes possible to efficiently handle large-scale plans (1: 2000, 1:1000, 1:500) with appropriate accuracy of the coordinates. Scientific novelty. The study made analysis of the technologies of modern methods of removal, and on the basis of its conclusions on an optimized method of processing large-scale plans of using UAVs. The practical significance. Justification possibility of using images obtained from the UAVs aerosurveying results small areas (8–10 km2 to create the plans at 1: 2000, 1:1000, 1:500. The main advantage of UAVs is that the aerosurveying original data can also be used for the acquisition of spatial information in remote areas, monitoring potentially dangerous to human life objects inventory of land settlements.

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