The article substantiates the expediency of advertising as a pathogenic phenomenon. The main features of the pathogenicity of the text are analyzed and an attempt is made to highlight the main criteria of the pathogenicity of the advertising text in the Ukrainian press. Tasks of the researching – to consider the work of Ukrainian researchers on the negative impact of advertising on the audience , to make a brief overview of the Ukrainian legislation in the field of advertising and, based on the legislative framework and the theoretical and practical principles of advertising skills , select the criteria unfair advertising. In this article it is also analysed current trends of influence of the press on the readership, also it is focused on advertising in today’s print and on its characteristics. It is justified the attitude of newspaper readers to the advertisement on the basis of the results of the sociological survey. The object of our research is the works of Ukrainian researchers in the field of advertising and Ukrainian print media. Subject of the study is unscrupulous advertising in the Ukrainian press. In order to eliminate the phenomenon of low-quality advertising from the Ukrainian media space, it is necessary to exercise clear control over advertising at all levels – from individual (at the level of self-control of a particular journalist) to editorial, regional and national. And this is possible only by creating an appropriate hierarchy of controlling bodies that would work for the good of the state and not their own interests.
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