Tools for micro-satellite video stream lossless compression

: pp. 130 - 136
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department, Software Department

Features of construction of devices for compression of lossless images are considered. The study of the features of the construction allows you to fully understand the principles of these devices and the methods of compression, which underlie their work. JPEG-LS method and CCSDS121.0-B-2 standard are chosen as ways of compression of lossless images. The implementation of these methods with different types of architectures on modern FPGAs is considered. A comparison of the results of the implemented nodes on the FPGA. Various parameters of the device's operation are taken into account – clock frequency, FPGA crystal filling, number of bits per pixel of image and compression speed. The analysis of results allows to determine the most optimal organization of the device for the implementation of such a compression node intended for use in the system of collecting and accumulation of scientific information of the microsatellite.

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