The conducted research confirms that confectionary industry is currently one of the most developed constituents in the Ukrainian food industry providing a great number of work places for the related economies. The financial-economic and political crisis in Ukraine and coronavirus pandemic have negatively influenced development of that branch of economy. However, large domestic confectionary producers are oriented on the use of the strategies of growth, search for the directions to intensify their competitive advantages at the market. Nevertheless, argumentation of their strategic decisions should be grounded by the results of the market research, first on consumers’ demands, who nowadays apply new criteria while choosing confectionary goods.
The performed analysis of the secondary marketing information proves that production of chocolate and chocolate sweets secures considerable volume of sale for confectionary enterprises in money terms. However, Ukraine has recently experienced a growing demand for chocolate bars. Therefore, producers should actively update the range of products to keep the available and attract new clients.
Results of the primary marketing information, collected by using the Google Forms service, confirm that 98% of respondents consume chocolate. Analysis of the results of estimates on the consumers’ attitude to chocolate, produced by the Joint stock company "Lviv Confectionary Plant "Svitoch", identification of their tastes and preferences, mentioned in the questionnaire, provides the information necessary for shaping the strategy of the further broadening of the range of products by that producer. It is determined that the preference is first given to milk chocolate, which is liked by most of the respondents, composite chocolate with nuts or fruit filling, products in a new packaging design, primarily gift wrapping with unusual design and nonstandard shape of chocolate.
While planning measures on improvement of marketing activities of the Joint stock company "Lviv Confectionary Plant "Svitoch", the confectionary producer should consider the specificity of different segments of the market, foremost their sex and age. To identify the intended segments of the market of chocolate bars, it is proposed to use the schemes of new products positioning considering the current positions of the products of principal competitors. Segmentation of the market of chocolate bars was done basing on the sex and age of intended consumers.
To specify the primary directions for introduction of innovations in the marketing commercial policy of the Joint stock company "Lviv Confectionary Plant "Svitoch", the analytic hierarchy process was used. The performed calculations demonstrate that for the studied enterprise the point is to produce chocolate bars with different taste fillings, milk and dark chocolate, chocolate with nuts of a larger size, and chocolate bars with 75-80% of cacao beans.
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