Compositional Fibers Based on Coal Tar Mesophase Pitch Obtained by Electrospinning Method

: pp. 403–407
Institute of Chemical Sciences after A.B. Bekturov
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Institute of Combustion Problems
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Institute of Combustion Problems
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Institute of Combustion Problems
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Institute of Combustion Problems
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi
University of Texas at Dallas
Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences
Institute of Chemical Sciences after A.B. Bekturov

This research examines the use of coal-processing wastes of Shubarkol deposit (Kazakhstan) in obtaining useful materials such as carbon fibers. For our experiments, mesophase pitch was obtained by coal tar heat treatment at 773 K. Spinnable solution was prepared by crushing mesophase pitch into the pieces with adding poly(methylmethacrylate) as a fiber-forming material and 1,2-dichloroethane as a solvent. Elemental analysis revealed that the chemical composition of mesophase pitch (С – 91.48 %; О – 8.52 %; S – 0.00 %) showed that heat treatment up to 773 K leads to the complete removal of sulfur-containing components which affect the mesophase formation. Raman data of the obtained pitch revealed the appearance of D (1366 cm-1) and G (1605 cm-1) peaks, which are responsible for carbon materials; another peak at 2900 cm-1 shows the presence of C–H bonds. Carbon fibers with the diameter of 0.8–1.75 μm were obtained by electrospinning method in laboratory settings.

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