Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology

ISSN 1996-4196
UDK 54-66
Founder and Publisher Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

The journal is currently accepting articles in such field as analytical, general, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry; chemical kinetics and catalysis; biotechnology; chemistry of high molecular compounds; materials science and engineering; technology of inorganic substances and organic synthesis products; chemical technology of processing of combustible minerals; ecology of chemical processes. We are publishing results of scientific works carried out by the leading universities and institutes of Europe, America and Asia.


Starting from 2012 the journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology was accepted for coverage in selected Elsevier products (SCOPUS), included in the Сhemical Abstracts Service (CAS databases) and indexed in such databases as IC Journal Master List; EuroPub, Vernadsky National Library; Electronic Journals Library GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Information Centre, Hamburg; Social Science Research Center Berlin; Vse Nauki; PUBDB DESY Publication Database; ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum; Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); World Cat; ResearchBib; InfoBase Index (IBI Factor 2019 is 2.5).

4 issues per year

Free online full-text access

The journal is accepted into Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) - new index in the Web of Science™ Core Collection

The journal is indexed in the international scientometric databases