Scientific journal "Measuring Equipment and Metrology" founded in 1965.
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Included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, Ukraine MON order number 1328 of 21.12.2015 p.
Included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Category B), Ukraine MON order number 1301 of 15.10.2019 p.
The journal reported in the scientific-metric database Index Copernicus and in the scientific-metric database Google Scholar.
The publications of the scientific journal are provided with digital object identifiers (DOI) by CrossRef.
It turns out 4 times a year.
Certificate of registration of print media: KB series number 13126-2010R.
Language editions: Ukrainian, English
The main program objectives magazine: the objective of our journal is the implementation of the efficient IT technologies enriched by the “measurement component", in everyday life independently of areas (science, industry, health-care, etc.). Therefore, basing on reliable data of measuring instruments, the published articles focus on both scientific novelty and practical value. It is the metrology itself which determines algorithm of operating the microcontrollers assuring the exact and precise work of the complex control systems as the low-leveled constituents of CPS.
Founder of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Publisher: Publisher House of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Specialties of the journal:
152 - Metrology and information-measuring equipment,
151 - Automation and computer-integrated technologies,
123 - Computer Engineering
174 - Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics
175 - Information-measuring technologies
Journal headlines:
- Transforming and Processing the Measurement Signals.
- Means for Measuring the Electric and Magnetic Quantities.
- Means for Measuring the Thermal Quantities.
- Measurement of Non-Electric Quantities.
- Biomedical Measurements and Devices.
- Measuring Transducers.
- Measuring Systems.
- Automation of Experimental Research.
- Metrology, Quality, Standardization and Certification.
- Information and Measurement Technologies in Mechatronics and Robotics
- Computerized Automatic Systems