: pp.34-38
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Politechnic National University
Lviv Politechnic National University
Cracow University of Technology, Poland

Database migration is a critical process for businesses that need to maintain their data integrity and functionality as they transition
to new technologies or systems [7]. The paper has researched the concept of database migration in a code-free format, including the benefits
and challenges of this approach. Code-free migration tools provide an interface that allows users to drag and drop data and automate the migration
process. This eliminates the need for manual coding and speeds up the migration process. Code-free solutions also provide users with visual representations
of the data, making it easier to understand and manage. However, these tools require careful consideration of data quality and security to
ensure that the migration process is successful.
The article provides different types of code-free migration tools, including data mapping software and drag-and-drop interfaces, and how
they can be used to facilitate the migration process [3]. Best practices are provided for successful code-free database migration, including testing
and validation.

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