The legal nature of convicted persons` labor, its goals, tasks and regulation features

: 256-261

Citation APA: Shai R., Lupii S. (2023).  The legal nature of convicted persons` labor, its goals, tasks and regulation features. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences.  Vol. 10, No. 2(38), pp. 256-261.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

This article will examine the legal nature and highlight the problematic issues of involving convicts serving a term of imprisonment in socially useful work. The goals and tasks of socially useful work as a means of correction and resocialization of such convicts are disclosed. The article formulates proposals for improving the current criminal law enforcement in terms of legal regulation of the application of community service to convicts serving prison terms.

In the work, the author drew attention to the fact that one of the important components of the normal functioning of any socie.

Work is the primary basis and necessary condition for the life of people and societies. Work primarily shapes a person, educates his will and character traits. It should be noted that work is not only a means of biological development of a person, but also a tool for continuous development, formation of personal needs, contributes to the growth of his abilities, skills and the ability to use them.

The author believes that it is necessary for the state to provide adequate material and financial support for penal institutions, to provide convicts with the opportunity to choose the desired field of activity, in accordance with their specialty and wishes, to ensure the appropriate level of remuneration and to create the necessary conditions for it. 

All this will contribute to the convict's positive attitude towards work, his own desire to engage in it in order to return to society as a full-fledged member of it.

Taking into account the main provisions about the role of work in the development of society and the formation of human consciousness, it is one of the main means of correction and resocialization of convicts.

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