: 27-40
National University of Life and Environmental sciences of Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. The article is to substantiate the importance of the development and preservation of cultural heritage, to identify the problems and prospects of its development as a tourism brand of Ukraine.
Design/methodology/approach. The author of the article uses the method of literature review to justify the need to research the preservation of cultural heritage in the new conditions of a large-scale war. Scientific research methods of theoretical and logical explanation, systematization and explanation are used to study the essence of cultural heritage.
Findings. As part of this study, it was established that today Ukraine has a great potential for the development of tourism based on its cultural heritage. In each society, cultural heritage has its own unique aspects and meanings. Cultural heritage values should be protected and preserved for future generations, regardless of the situation or circumstances. The development of tourism based on cultural heritage can contribute to the preservation of historical and cultural values of Ukraine. The conducted studies show that the main problems faced by the development of cultural heritage as a tourist brand of Ukraine are: insufficient financial resources, the need to modernize the tourist infrastructure, ineffective use of marketing strategies, insufficient development of tourist infrastructure, limited interest of the state in tourism, limited accessibility of cultural heritage for visitors , lack of coordination, vandalism and pollution. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the development of tourism in Ukraine should be aimed at promoting the country’s cultural heritage. For this, it is necessary to develop infrastructure and services related to culture, open new museums and galleries, restore and preserve historical monuments, effectively use marketing strategies and use modern technologies, and all this can contribute to the promotion of the cultural heritage of Ukraine as a tourism brand.
Practical implications. The article emphasizes that Ukraine has great potential for the development of tourism based on its cultural heritage. The author proposed ways to solve problems that hinder its effective development. It was emphasized that the main attention should be paid to the development of marketing strategies, modernization of tourist infrastructure, ensuring the quality of services and its protection. Ways by which cultural heritage can become a tourist brand of Ukraine are proposed. Current problems and prospects for the development of cultural heritage as part of the modern development of tourism in Ukraine are identified.
Originality/value. The value of the research lies in the establishment and analysis of the prospects for the development of cultural heritage in the context of tourism in Ukraine and the formation of the brand of Ukraine on this basis.

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