Electronic evidence in civil litigation: legal characteristics and particularities

: 196-205

Цитування за ДСТУ: Зільник Н., Химинець М. (2023). Електронні докази в цивільному судочинстві: правова характеристика та особливості. Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: "Юридичні науки". Т. 10. № 4(40). С. 196-205. 

Citation APA: Zilnyk N.,  Khymynets M. (2023). Electronic evidence in civil litigation: legal characteristics and particularities. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 4(40), pp. 196-205. https://doi.org/10.23939/law2023.40.196

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Abstract. This article is dedicated to the study of issues related to the use of electronic evidence in civil litigation. Within the framework of the article, an analysis of recent scientific publications on the use of electronic evidence is conducted.

The work was performed on the basis of general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge. The general concept and principles of using electronic evidence in civil proceedings, their characteristics, and peculiarities are outlined. A list of advantages regarding the use of electronic evidence is provided. Special attention is given to the description of the procedure for submitting electronic evidence to the court.

The article examines changes and trends in the use of electronic evidence in the modern context of integration and digitization of society, and analyzes progress in the field of information technology.

Problems at the legislative level concerning the submission of both original electronic evidence and their copies to the court are analyzed. Issues related to the procedure and peculiarities of examining electronic evidence, as well as their evaluation by the court, are identified. Specifically, among the problems identified in the article are the insufficient regulatory framework for certifying electronic copies of electronic evidence, the imperfect definition of the concepts of «original electronic evidence» and «copy of electronic evidence» in legislation, the instability of electronic information, the absence of physical form and perception only through special technical devices, the possibility of theft, damage, and tampering, and the determination of their authenticity and admissibility.

Based on the conducted research, the conclusion is drawn that the question of the use of electronic evidence requires urgent resolution, and the legislator should promptly eliminate existing contradictions by making appropriate amendments to the current procedural legislation of our country. Moreover, it is advisable to more precisely define the concept of «electronic evidence» and the specifics of their submission at the legislative level.

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