: 19-28
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Heroiv Krut Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization

The article shows that one of the main purposes of projects for the development of informatization of the state is the proper provision of the necessary information to the centers of analysis and decision-making. It is important to comply with the requirements for the timeliness, reliability and security of information delivery processes. This contributes to the development of means of remote collection of information and its transmission using various technological solutions. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UNV) are in the greatest demand. However, the article shows that in practice there are factors that limit the capabilities of telecommunications equipment. Then the timeliness and reliability of information transmission will be realized only for low-level image formats. On the other hand, the procedure of information analysis, including the use of intelligent analysis, puts forward factors for the implementation of higher-level image formats on the UNV. It is clear that a contradiction arises. This contradiction concerns the inconsistency between the permissible and required levels of image formats for unmanned vehicles. Localization of such collisions is possible by reducing the information load on the basis of taking into account certain features in the description of image fragments. In spectral space, such features of fragments have the following manifestation: the presence of sequences of spectral components with a not significant deviation of the span interval. The presence of such features is a prerequisite for the construction of compression methods in the spectral-parametric description of transformants (SPDT). Therefore, the aim of the article is to develop methods for compressing images based on their spectral-parametric description, taking into account higher-order dependencies. The necessity for the formation of homogeneity spaces for the group of transformants of the general video stream for the implementation of the possibility of accounting for inter-transformant dependencies in the SPD of arrays of spectral elements is substantiated. A model for constructing homogeneity spaces (clusters) from the transformant group based on the power of the SP by the number of spectral SP has been developed. This creates the conditions for the implementation of the compression procedure with the additional removal of the amount of inter-transformant redundancy in the SPD-transformant.

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