Land cadastral surveying is of fundamental importance in the land management of the State territory. This applies both to land properties within the country and to the external borders of countries – including the demarcation of the national border. When transitioning from the common ownership system of land use in the USSR to the earlier, independent system of ownership of land properties that existed in the country of Latvia, the state administration system faced the need to implement land reform, moving from ownerless (the entire nation) land ownership to individual and collective land ownership in the country. It was important to have a political stance, to restore the properties to their former owners or heirs as far as possible. More than 50 years had passed after the liquidation of private property rights to land, many land ownership documents had been lost. There were cases of loss or even intentional destruction of boundaries or boundary marks of former land properties. Therefore, correct and fast land property rights restoration procedures looked complicated, expensive and finally time-consuming. The purpose of research: Compare the activities of the oldest cadastral surveying processes with existing - instrumental and better technology-based methods. This is especially applicable to the processes and possibilities of surveying land property boundaries, recognizing that instrumental (geodetic) surveying of land properties in the area was and is the best way to do it, but it should have been implemented in unusually large quantities, and as quickly as possible, without blocking legal economic activity with land properties in the country. The abilities of available, prepared specialists (surveyors) and surveying entrepreneurs for survey work were also negligible. Therefore, a decision was made, within the framework of the land reform, to implement a simplified determination of the boundaries of land units with a marking methodology, which was developed and approved for use as a cadastral survey-marking methodology. On its basis, the documents provided for in the regulatory enactments were prepared, which served to make legally binding decisions on the ownership and use rights of land properties. At the same time, the simplified property registration provided a basis for territorial planning measures of local municipalities and the organization of economic activity. The variety of data registered in the cadastral survey system does not create a sense of security and reliability for clients and specialists who work with this information, therefore the cadastral survey process in Latvia must be improved both technologically, and we must not forget how to combine historical data with modern ones. Geodetic grounding plays a very important role in the process. For geodetic works and accuracy, in order to be able to legally justify discrepancies in cadastral boundaries. The changes did not create unacceptable consequences for property users and accounting systems. As an example, the study examines the comparison of the results of one land property, initially registered and later cadastral measured, which confirms the validity of the decision taken in the interests of the reform. In the beginning, it is intended to perform simplified property determination-marking works, leaving the labour-intensive surveying technologies for further clarification of the registered property over a longer period - according to the need for use.
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