: 53-59
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to the study on the influence of the work of the outstanding architect-scenographer of Ukrainian origin Frederic Kizler on the formation of authentic features in the architecture of landscape theatres in Ukraine and the establishment of characteristic features present in modern national cultural and entertainment institutions.

The author explores how the creative work in scenography and design of theatrical objects by F.Kizler forms the main trends in the development of the concept of the idea of correalism as the main philosophy of architecture in the future. The role of charisma and functionality in the scenography of Frederick Kizler on the solution of the architectural environment as a symbiosis of sound, light and colour of the theatre building on the perception of the average spectator is analyzed.

The publication reveals the novelty of the ideas of the architect-designer F.Kizler for all theatrical architecture and the creation of futuristic buildings that connected the past and the present as a bridge created the architecture of the future with their buildings.

The author pays special attention to the influence of F.Kizler's work on the formation of modern architecture of landscape theatres and the main trends in the development of cultural and entertainment institutions of this type in the XXI century in Ukraine and the world. The presented publication solves the problems associated with the formation of the basic principles of the typology of landscape theatres using the innovative ideas of the futurist architect Frederic Kizler.

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