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Lviv Polytechnic National University, the Department of Architecture Design and Engineering
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

A lot of mass media write about the summer spaces aesthetics problem.  The articles, notes, posts, blogs and other content are dedicated primarily to the experience of housing exploitation.

However, architects, urban planners and other professionals determine the problem rather rarely.  Summer spaces, first of all, balconies, loggias and terraces are important as functionally as  aesthetically

for the creation of comfortable, modern and visually expressive housing.

Architects must provide both functional and aesthetic solutions, knowing that homeowners can change their designs. You must use the best domestic and foreign experience to prevent the unwanted changes which are analyzed in this article. Without this, balconies and loggias will be glazed by either the developer, which significantly worsens the aesthetics of the facade or residents, which makes the worst solution.

First of all, summer spaces must have the appropriate proportions and engineering supplies. Balconies and loggias must have artificial lighting and electricity supply, they can also be equipped with water supply rain sewer, heating and cooling systems. With maximum equipment, summer spaces can play the role of a summer living room or a multifunctional space. In hot weather, balconies and loggias can even be used as a bedroom, which is important due to global warming.

In addition to engineering supply it is necessary to provide some spatial standards: minimum width not less than 1.6 m with a length less than 3.5 m, 1.8 m for 3,5 -4,5 m length, and 2m for more than 4.5m. The area of balconies and loggias should be 4 -12 m2. Summer spaces fencing should not reduce sunlight and daylight in the rooms - so the glass or vertical metal handrails are the best solutions. It is also advisable to combine deaf parts with visually permeable.

To implement these proposals, it is necessary to make legislative changes in summer spaces standards.  Increasing of housing culture level and informing about the best and sustainable examples is also important. Balconies and loggias in existing housing can be dismantled and replaced with more functional ones through a comprehensive renovation program. The option of individual reconstruction is not appropriate.

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