Working with a building's facade and the roof significantly influence the visual and artistic image of residential buildings. The potential of visual-compositional means for the creation of expressive building forms is only partially used today. Maximizing the efficiency principle of building plots often has a negative impact on the overall aesthetics. Homogeneity, recurrence, absence of profile characterize such architectural solutions.
Architecture as an environment from which it is impossible to abstract, it is necessary to promote the formation of aesthetically attractive buildings and structures. We can achieve it by using a variety of compositional principles, working with different spatial scales, taking into account the laws of visual perception.
Facades can be created with the following design principles: the facade should reflect the internal structure of the building, each of the facades should differ from each other depending on the location and orientation, facade surfaces should include multilayered structure, avoid blind surfaces, include details.
When designing roofs, the following aspects should be taken into account: the roof has a significant effect on the silhouette of the spatial image of the building, the optimal solution is a combination of flat and sloping elements when creating a silhouette of forgetfulness.
When working on a simple form of the building should work on different artistic levels from the city to the details, take into account the main species points for shaping, pay attention in detail to the place of the combination of the building with the plane of the earth and sky.
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