DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHITECTURE OF SPIRITUAL AND HUMANITARIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN UKRAINE (on the example of scientific, educational and exploratory design of the Architectural Environment Design Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University)

: 147-154
Department of Architectural Environment Design Lviv Polytechic National University

The article highlights the results of special research and research development design of the Department of Architectural Environment Design (DAS) of a new educational institution type – spiritual and humanitarian, which may become a priority in determining the doctrine of higher education in Ukraine.
The results are formed both from the scientific and practical experience of leading scientists in this field in Ukraine – R. Stotska, V. Proskuryakov, O. Zhovkva, etc., and educational and research design by the Department of AED of the Academy of PCU in Lutsk. As a comprehensive approach in the design of spiritual and humanitarian institutions in Ukraine, which has not yet been reflected in national regulations.
For the presentation of the educational design, several students projects of IV–V courses were selected, the best of which were the works of V. Khyzhnyuk, K. Pidkostelna, U. Grechka, Y. Cholavyn, V. Volyanska. In the architecture of the Academy they designed, in addition to metaphors from regional and historical Ukrainian sacred architecture, the best ideas of modern world solutions were used.

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