: 52-62
Senior lecturer Department of architectural environment design Lviv Polytechnic National University
Student of Department of Architectural Environment Design, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

The article examines the trends in the formation of the architecture of residential and recreational cabins. Constructive and design features of various types of modular architectural solutions are highlighted. The work describes the main philosophical ideas and their implementation in this type of housing. On the examples of many works, the positive and negative aspects of the design of prefab housing in the environment and the impact it has on the environment are described.

The demand for cabins has skyrocketed over the past few years due to their simplistic and minimalist design. Cabins have long been used as simple, easy-to-build shelters that offer a great way to connect with nature.

The idea of going back to nature is becoming more and more common today, when what remains of wild nature is seriously threatened by urbanization or the substances that "modern" life puts into the air and water. When excess and "luxury" are the driving forces of some societies, more and more people feel the need to scale back to the absolute minimum, live facing the rising sun, or hear the sounds of nature every day.

Cabins can vary widely in design, location, materials, and utility. While classic designs such as post and beam, full beam and timber frame are still quite popular, modern prefab cabins are gaining in popularity. The modular approach in these structures allows you to arrange cabins according to needs.

With the economic upheaval and the revision of the consumer model of society by many people, cabins are also popular because they represent the search for a less burdensome and less destructive way of life.

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Kirstin Hohenadel (2015) Beautiful Cabins Around The World Built For Less Than $60,000. [онлайн] Доступно: Cabins from Taschen features stunning small-scale architecture from around the world (PHOTOS). ( (Дата звернення: 01.06.2024)

Noella Aoun Design Studio  (n.d.)  Cabin Houses: Design Ideas To Better Connect With Nature. [онлайн] Доступно: Cabin Houses: Design Ideas to Better Connect with Nature | Noëlla Aoun Design Studio ( (Дата звернення: 01.06.2024)

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Studio WG3 (n.d) Hypercubus. [онлайн] Доступно: Hypercubus – Studio WG3 (Дата звернення: 01.06.2024)