Енергозбережні системи інфрачервоного опалення виробничих приміщень


Сподинюк Н. А., Юркевич Ю. С., Романів Я. І. / Spodyniuk N. A., Jurkiewich Y. S., Romaniv Y. I

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

The use of infrared heaters allows providing a comfortable environment at lower temperatures of the air and maintaining the required temperature service area space at the expense of radial component of the infrared heater.
When using infrared heaters convective heat goes into the upper zone of the room and does not participate in providing temperature control in the service area. To improve the application of infrared heating in industrial premises is useful to applya fan over infrared heater to direct the flow of convective heat in the service area. This solution increases the temperature of air in the service area, thus lowering the heater power, and thus increases the efficiency of infrared heating system.
The results of parametric research of the temperature regime in the service area using infrared heatersare shown in article. Graphic and empirical dependences of air temperature in the industrial premises service area within thermal power of infrared heater and height set of it are shown in the article.
Referrals convective flux emitted from the infrared heater, in a working area can increase the relative temperature within range of an average of 2,8 %.

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