Модифіковані оздоблювальні розчини з добавкою каоліну


Кропивницька Т. П., Гоголь М. М., Прогонюк О. В., Мазурак О. Т.* / Kropyvnytska T. P., Gogol M. M., Progoniuk O. V., Mazurak O. T

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва,
*Львівський національний аграрний університет,
кафедра екології і біології

Finishing mortars for decorative and protective facade coatings where natural kaolin is a major component were developed. The chemical and phase composition and microstructure of kaolin were investigated. Ultrafine kaolin (SSA = 1,58 m2/g) actively participates in the formation of phase composition and microstructure of the cement matrix of finishing mortars. Nanoscale systems of clay minerals due to plasticizing effect and filling influence provide improved adhesion-cohesive properties of finishing mortars. Kaolinite crystals has the form of scales – pseudo hexagonal plates, elongated in one direction and form leaflike layered structure. Kaolin clay have the highest rate of whiteness (reflection coefficient is 82 %), which allows to get coatings with the desired decorative qualities. Mechanical activation of kaolin provides intensive set of strength of finishing mortars. Addition of complex plasticizing and air-entraining action additive contributes to the microstructure formation of cement matrix with system of small closed air pores – “tension dampers” during brittle fracture, thermal shock, water freezing, which plays a crucial role in improving the quality of decorative coatings and increases its strength, deformation and fracture toughness. Physico-chemical modification of finishing mortars by complex additives provides a high-quality finishing coatings with improved performance properties.

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