The prospects for the development of solar energy in the world are analyzed. Of the existing types of renewable energy most promising scale resources, environmental cleanliness and the prevalence is solar energy. This is confirmed by a number of experimental studies conducted in the field of solar power. The advantages of solar energy over traditional fuels include: the use of solar energy in almost all parts of the earth’s surface, the possibility of direct conversion of solar energy into heat or electricity, the ability to obtain high coolant. The amount of solar energy that comes to Earth is bigger than the energy of the world’s oil, gas, coal and other energy resources. It was found that the most appropriate and cost-effective solar collector is a combination of solar collector with structural elements of the building. The results of research flow of sunlight to a solar collector are shown. Energy efficiency of helioroof in the gravitational system of solar heating are investigated. The dependence of efficiency of helioroof on angles of incidence of heat flow and its intensity are researched. The influence factors on the effectiveness of helioroof are determined. Analyzed The change of amount of heat in accumulator tank, depending on the intensity of the heat flux and the exposure time are researched.
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2. Твайделл Д. Возобновляемые источники энергии / Д. Твайделл, А. Уэйр; пер. с англ. под ред. В. А. Коробкова. − М. : Энергоатомиздат, 1990. − 391 с.