Регулювальний об’єм бака гідроакумулятора автоматизованої водопровідної насосної станції


Жук В. М., Вербовський О. В., Попадюк І. Ю., Завойко Б. В. / Zhuk V. М., Verbovskyy О. V., Popadyuk I. Yu., Zavoyko B. V.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра гідравліки та сантехніки

Regulation volume is the main parameter, which is determined in the procedure of hydraulic calculation of hydroaccumulators (HA) in the water supply automated pump stations. Regulation volume of hydroaccumulator must be sufficient to ensure the maximum allowable frequency of switching on the pump units for a given water consumption characteristics. Literature review shows that there are no one universal approach to the description of the operating cycle of HA. Analysis of gas processes, occurring in the pressure vessel of HA, shows, that regulation volume is a function of HA total volume and values of the initial absolute pressure p0, minimum and maximum operating absolute pressures in the HA vessel (respectively р1 and р2). An important factor is the type of gas process, which occurs during the compression and expansion of air in the vessel. The theoretical analysis of the gas processes in the hydroaccumulators, used in automated water supply pump stations, is fulfilled in the paper. Obtained numerical values of generalized dimensionless regulation volume of hydroaccumulator for isothermal and adiabatic processes and for polytrophic process with exponent n=1.8. The minimal regulation volume corresponds to the polytropic process of gas expansion. This fact must be taken into account when designing the water supply pump stations with hydroaccumulators.

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