Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the risks of non-return of refugees to Ukraine by organizing a sample survey to obtain information about these people and their decisions to return or not to return to their homeland.
Design/methodology/approach. Using the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and studying the relevant domestic and foreign literature, the current situation with the organization and methodology of surveys of Ukrainians who have left abroad is established. To build a general scheme for planning a sample survey to identify information about the non-return of refugees to Ukraine, sociological methods of surveys, focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, and methods of forming a sample population were used. Graphical and tabular methods were used to visualize the results of the study.
Findings. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has led to the emergence of millions of refugees from Ukraine in the world, especially in EU member states. The problem of the scientific study of quantitative and qualitative indicators related to Ukrainian refugees and their impact on the environment in the host countries has become more urgent. Today, there is no complete reliable information on the number of refugees. Accordingly, it is very difficult to predict the likelihood of their return or non-return to Ukraine. Such data can only be obtained by conducting sample surveys of a certain number of refugees using established methods. It is important that the survey results must be representative and valid. This article presents a general scheme for organization of the survey of refugees from Ukraine, which includes 9 consecutive steps for implementation: 1) forming a working group of researchers; 2) defining the purpose, object, and objectives of the study; 3) developing a research methodology; 4) creating a sample design; 5) collecting primary data; 6) qualitative data analysis; 7) analyzing and interpreting the results; 8) preparing a report; 9) disseminating the results of the study depending on the degree of confidentiality.
Practical implications. The use of the proposed conceptual scheme for planning a sample survey to identify information about refugees from Ukraine will help to organize the process of future research better and minimize the time required to organize the work. The methods proposed by the authors are aimed at supporting decision-making in the formation of the survey methodology. We believe that obtaining reliable results on the future intentions of Ukrainian refugees is an important component of the country’s economic and social sustainability now and in the future.
Originality/value. The value of the study lies in the in-depth analysis of existing refugee assessment methods and, on their basis, the development of the author’s general scheme for organization and planning a sample survey that takes into account all organizational and methodological aspects related to the study of trends in the non-return of refugees to Ukraine.
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