Harmonic power filters are widely used in industrial electrical grids, which make it possible to improve the voltage quality on the power supply system buses and to increase the load power factors. Selecting the scheme and parameters of the filter-compensation unit is related to the requirements for compensation of the harmonic currents and load reactive power, the characteristics of the power supply configuration and its operating conditions, as well as the indices of transients that may occur during the operational switching. Procedures for selecting power filter parameters and recommendations for use in typical industrial electrical networks are presented in current international standards and many publications in periodical specialized issues. One of the concerns when choosing the power filter parameters is the optimal tuning of individual filters in a scheme consisting of multiple single-tuned filters, which is associated with manufacturing tolerances in the parameters of the used reactors and capacitors. In addition to the indices of the electric grid operation stationary conditions, when designing the filters, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of transient overvoltage and overcurrent, which are specific to the selected power supply system. The analysis of the available information shows, that in engineering practice there are no generally accepted recommendations for considering the impact of the filter parameter tolerances, changing the order of filter tuning, on the level of maximum overvoltages on the filter reactors and capacitors.
The proposed article presents a method for determining the maximum overvoltages on reactors and filter capacitors based on the simulation of operational switching in the selected industrial electrical grid. The study of transients in the power supply system was performed on a model developed using the MATLAB Simulink package. In this study, the impact of the filter tuning degree in a complex filter- compensating unit on the level of maximum overvoltages caused by operational switching is analyzed and comparative characteristics of transient overvoltages in possible filter configurations are provided. It is shown that the use of a "C" type damped filter in the filter-compensation scheme allows for a significant reduction in the level of transient overvoltages on the filter reactors and capacitors, as well as practically eliminates the impact of the filter detuning on the overvoltage level. The approach proposed in the work to determine the maximum overvoltages on filter equipment can be used in designing filter-compensating schemes for power supply systems of various purposes.
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