Participation Fee

The registration fee covers the publication (dispatch) of the printed book of abstracts, but it is possible to participate only with the receipt of the electronic version of Abstract in pdf-format (the cost of such participation is given in brackets).

Full-time participation:

  • Foreign participants – 100 EUR
  • Foreign young scientists (under the age of 35), postgraduate students – 50 EUR

Correspondence participation:

  • Foreign participants, postgraduate students (only electronic version) – 25 EUR.

The registration fee will include the payment for participation in the conference, a full set of conference materials (except for the correspondence participation) - conference program, book of abstracts, certificate of participation, accompanying materials, coffee breaks and general organizational expenses. Affiliates with the correspondence form of participation will receive a book of abstracts by mail (for this, in the cover letter, please indicate the sending address).


Registration fee for foreign participants should be paid by cash at the time of registration.

Details of payment for correspondence participation will inform after receiving a registration form and abstract.