The article is devoted to the topical issue of Ukrainian information security and protection of the national information space from negative propagandistic and manipulative information-psychological impacts. It is emphasized that the problem is actualized under conditions of the Ukraine-Russia conflict when ensuring information security turns into a factor of preserving national identity of Ukraine and its functioning as a sovereign independent state. The article is an attempt to analyze theoretical approaches to defining the nature of such notions as information security and a threat to information security. Particular attention is paid to investigation of information expansion by the Russian Federation aimed at securing its domination within the Ukrainian media space. Technologies of Russian information-psychological operations based on biased and tendentious coverage of facts and phenomena, distortion, misrepresentation, and miscommunication of information are analyzed. The article comprehensively studies types and kinds of real and potential information threats to media space of Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty; analyzes mechanisms of exerting negative propagandistic information-psychological influences. Particular attention is paid to methods of national information space protection, counteraction to wide-scale information-psychological influences, wars and operations. The research introduces developed recommendations concerning formation of strategic directions of the state policy in the sphere of ensuring Ukrainian information security, improving normative and legal basis for preserving information sovereignty of Ukraine, protecting its national space.
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