The peculiarities of the activities of Ukrainian radical right-wing parties after the Revolution of Dignity are studied, their
main ideas, principles and typology are considered. Among right-wing parties, there are moderate nationalists, so-called national democrats, represented by parties like the People’s Movement of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Republican Party, the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, etc. and national radicals such as the Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), the Social-National Party of Ukraine (later “Svoboda” (“Freedom”)) and others. The main attaintion is paid to the analysis of such right-wing parties as the Svoboda, the Right Sector, the Brotherhood, the National Corpus.
In general, all the right-wing parties advocate for decisive changes in society and strengthening the Ukrainian state both in foreign and domestic policy. For this reason during the deep crisis which Ukraine is now experiencing, their popularity would have to be increasing. It is stated that right-wing parties in Ukraine are functioning in a fairly small electoral segment. It is bounded by the fact that in every society a number of people inclined to support radical actions are insignificant.
The author conducts the comparative analysis with activities of right-wing parties in Europe. In particular, the
experience of France, wherein the parliamentary elections of 2012 the “National Front” won 13.6 % of votes, the Austrian Party of Freedom that received 21.4 % of votes in the parliamentary race in 2013, the Hungarian ultra-national “Jobbik” that received 20.5 % of votes in the elections to the supreme legislative body of the country in 2014, and the nationalist “Greater Romania” that won 19.5 % of the votes in the parliamentary elections at the height of its popularity (in 2000).
According to the estimates of analysts of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, the number of people in Ukraine willing to resort to drastic measures does not exceed 8 %.
It is concluded that the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian aggression have resulted in significant changes in
the national self-consciousness of a large part of Ukrainian citizens. The war was a decisive factor that fundamentally changed criteria of Ukrainian identity. The right-wing parties focused on ethnic nationalism now have little support in the society.
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