In this article one overviews theoretical and methodological aspects of territory branding. The essence of the territory branding as an important tool for its social and economic development is considered. Rationale of the territory branding as one of the trends of PR activities on global, national and regional levels is presented. It is emphasized that the study of country brand formation process is a new problem both for western and native science. Strategy for positioning of the country in the world has already been applied in practice by many states and regions. Certain image of the country serves as the result of successful branding; it includes the country’s past, present and the vision of its future. Good branding of the country is a powerful instrument of influence on international public mind. It is proved that territory branding is non-material product of PR activity which is able to act as an activist and indicator of civil society development, instrument of political practice of society and state agreement, factor of territory self-organization in the context of value recreation of collective senses. The authors have paid peculiar attention to mentality and ethnical aspects of identity and economic, political, cultural, sport and tourist country achievements of its brand building. Human, intellectual, cultural and social capital of the country is a reputational asset of competitiveness in the world. This article includes analysis of modern theoretical and practical studies of territory branding building strategies belonging to native and international scientists. Findings and results of this study are of practical importance for improvement of scientific approaches in territory brand building.
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