Management information and communication areas in the formation of ukrainian society

: pp. 130-134
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Article plays the role of information and communications management sphere Ukrainian society in the context of the formation and development of political, economic, social, scientific, technological and information-communication spheres of public life in Ukraine. Theoretical and conceptual and practical approaches to managing the development of information and communication spheres of society.

The author found and analyzed the theoretical and practical problems of management communication and publishing spheres of modern Ukraine in the context of globalization and regionalization of social communications in the context of the prospects for the development of adequate national information space.

The study examined the author of the problems and prospects of implementation of the national management publishing, carried out in the context of globalization and regionalization of the information sphere Ukrainian society.

The article describes the problem management publishing industry in modern Ukrainian conditions, namely stop on such important issues as the formation and establishment of information and communications spheres of society and its publishing segment; the impact of the media on the development of information and communication culture of Ukrainian society with specific political culture; the impact of ideological principles and mentality of Ukrainian society, which, to some extent, determine the development of socio-political structures and public awareness of social communications.

Article systematized and structured conceptual and conceptual approaches, typology and technology impact of mass communications on the consciousness and culture of modern Ukrainian society, which are characterized by recognition of the importance of mass communication influences on the development of a national model of civil society based on democracy and the protection of national systems of social communications.

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