The article is devoted to analysis of peculiarities of function the TV-area of Luhansk region, when it was founded in the end of 1950s and till now. There are 5 emphasized phases of Luhansk regional TV, which are conditioned on social-political transformations of society and media, from the standing regional TRK and to their disappearance in 2014, in connection with starting of fighting actions in the East of Ukraine and revival in a new format.
The experience of the TRC of Lugansk region showed the imperfection of the state control and information system protection system by the state and the complete unwillingness to withstand information aggression both from the neighboring country and from its actual satellites in the middle of the state. Information warfare is now actively used during aggression in eastern Ukraine.
An analysis of the activities of regional and local channels within the television space of the Lugansk region made it possible to make an important conclusions. First, there are business projects of certain financial-economic or political groups of influence, dominated by the political or business interests of their owners, and political or economic feasibility, while non-compliance with the standards of the profession determines the approaches to the production of one or another teleproduct. Secondly, the television information mediaspace is actually monopolized by representatives of one political force, which creates conditions for manipulating public consciousness and forming a lot of stereotypes.
In general, supporting the thesis that regional television should have a thematic person, to implement its program policies, we note that the regional programmatic policy should combine regional, national and universal values in TV programs. Under such conditions, regional television will be a pro-active mean in the system of national-patriotic education, promote the development, protection, full functioning of the Ukrainian language, culture, spirituality, and the creation of a Ukrainian national information mediaspace.
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