In this article you will read about professional aspects of preparation of journalists-operators. They are based on a complex access to teaching professional disciplines and learning connected with other subjects. Professional education of a journalist-operator has to include not only technical skills (work with camera and other TV machinery, quality of image, composition, angle and place of filming, lightning, knowledge of directing’s and montage’s foundations). Such education has to combine understanding of modern journalistic requisitions, knowledge of all its genres and possibility to use them, familiarization with specificity of film production etc.
Journalist-operator, combining creative background and technical skills, is one of the most important people on modern television. He must not only master the television camera skillfully, navigate the specifics of the television genres, but also perfectly know the laws of composition, color and light. The television operator should be in good physical shape, because the shooting technique can be quite difficult, and during shooting it is possible that the operator will have to move a lot and quickly, changing the location of the shooting. Therefore, the time for reflection, unlike the operator, who takes a movie, may not be in the TV journalist. Not filmed today, the plot tomorrow may not be useless even for more favorable conditions for shooting.This type of journalists-operators’ preparation will help to prepare multipurpose workers of mass media who will be able to satisfy informational and aesthetic inquiries of audience and demanded traditional and new media. Beside this, future professionals of traditional and new media have to work out inside of themselves psychological stability and professional erudition. Also they have to be communicative. These skills will help them to avoid stress in their work.
Professional journalist-operator has to predict thoughts of people that he is interviewing and fix needed for material phrases and words in time. In work of journalist-operator artistic taste is very important. It is not enough to know only technical characteristic of a camera, laws of light and composition.
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