A scientific studying of the problem of the standards of co-work of the journalist with children and on topics concerning on children is updated by the importance of children’s rights protection in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to find out whether national moral norms of journalism contain answers to the main issues of the journalistic practice in the branch of the interaction with children. The main goal was achieved with a help of application of such methods of scientific knowledge like: classification, monitoring, document analysis, comparison, synthesis, induction, deduction.
The norms of journalistic morality regarding to the issue of children was considered from the perspective of the most difficult situations in journalistic practice (the right to disseminate information about private life, violence against children, including sexual violence, illness and injures, etc.). The novelty of the studying is to make a conclusion on the level of the development of national moral norms of journalism regarding to the child’s question.
In spite of external, more rarely internal contradictions and information gaps on some important issues, national journalistic morality documents still contain answers to the most of the complex issues that may arise in a journalist’s work when it need to cover branch which regards to children. Despite of the categorical demand for the dignity of the child and the clear plan of actions offered by these norms, it is not necessary to state that they form the journalistic community for the culture of childhood in society. In difference , foreign and international, Ukrainian moral laws are reduced to reservations and prohibitions, do not emphasize at compliance with the information balance on the protection and violation of the rights of the child in society and the main , the need to hear children and opportunity to take into account their thoughts and desires . First of all, these omissions should be taken into account in the next edition of the relevant standards of journalistic morality.
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