The article analyzes the content of events in Crimea on the Russian propaganda web-media «». On the basis of analysis of the materials about events in the Crimea were identified the main «messages» of propaganda in the materials of the authors, which inspired the readers. The author analyzes the contents of Crimea events in 2014 on web resource «» and highlights the main «message» of propaganda, that had a negative impact on the course of events in the occupied peninsula. Тhe question of the influence of Russian propaganda on the consciousness of the mass media audience today is extremely relevant. Therefore, in the study, the author used the works of such researchers in this field, as: Pocheptsov G.G., Zhytariuk M.G., V.Lipkan., Lyzanchuk V.V., M.Ozhevan, V.Horoshko, Yu.Khokhlachova and others. However, it should be noted that today, at the time of the active deployment of Russia’s information war against Ukraine, the number of such studies is negligible; therefore, in modern science there is an urgent need to replenish the arsenal of such works, because it will teach, how to counteract or prevent the destructive influence of propaganda on consciousness of the mass media audience. After analyzing the content of the Russian web-resource «», it can be argued that the authors of materials about Ukraine for a long time were trying to persuade their readership of propaganda ideals about Ukraine, which led to an armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, as well as a change in the minds of the readers in favor of the Russian authorities. All these stereotypes spread, at first glance, from a neutral position, latent. Thus, the Russian side tried to hide its participation in this armed confrontation. The authors also often resorted to comments from pseudo-experts and not so famous experts. Therefore, such content caused the trust and authority of the readers of the occupied territories, thus, developed a negative attitude towards Ukraine, spoiled the image of the country on the international arena.
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